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- Bona Law PC Adds Veteran Antitrust Attorney and Opens New York Office
- Bona Law PC Files an Amicus Curiae Brief in the United States Supreme Court case of North Carolina Dental Examiners v. Federal Trade Commission
- Aaron Gott and Luke Hasskamp to Host CLE Event on Antitrust and Farm Cooperatives
- Aaron Gott Argues to Ninth Circuit: State Action Immunity Inapplicable in Ambulance Antitrust Cases Against California Cities
- Aaron Gott joins Bona Law PC as Of Counsel
- Aaron Gott Speaks at American Bar Association Program on the U.S. Supreme Court’s Antitrust Decision in NC Dental v. FTC
- Aaron Gott to Speak as Panelist for ABA Antitrust Section Program on FTC v. Qualcomm
- Advice for In-House Antitrust Lawyers from (Former) In-House Antitrust Lawyers
- Ambulance Market Monopoly Lawsuits to Test Municipalities' Liability Under Federal Antitrust Law
- Another Biglaw Antitrust Partner Joins Bona Law
- Antitrust Boutique Bona Law Adds Two Prominent Biglaw Antitrust Attorneys to its Team
- Antitrust Boutique Bona Law PC Launches New Minneapolis Office
- Atlanta Federal Court Holds that Bona Law Client Sufficiently Alleges Monopoly and Other Antitrust and Competition Claims Against PowerPlan, a Roper Technologies Company
- Bona Law Adds Former Paramount Pictures Executive Vice President of Business and Legal Affairs
- Bona Law Adds New Antitrust Partner in San Diego
- Bona Law Adds US DOJ Antitrust Division Veteran as Partner
- Bona Law and The Institute for Justice File Federal Constitutional Takings Lawsuit to Vindicate Constitutional Rights of Man Whose Business Was Destroyed During LAPD SWAT Raid
- Bona Law Antitrust Attorneys Recognized by Award Groups
- Bona Law Argues to U.S. Supreme Court that State-Action Immunity from Antitrust Should Not Be Immediately Appealable
- Bona Law Asks U.S. Supreme Court to Decide Scope of State Action Immunity from Antitrust
- Bona Law Attorney Jarod Bona Named Fellow by Litigation Counsel of America
- Bona Law Attorneys File Eighth Circuit Amicus Brief Supporting Privacy for Small Businesses
- Bona Law Attorneys Recognized by Best Lawyers for 2022
- Bona Law Client PharmacyChecker.com Defeats Summary Judgment Motion by LegitScript in Antitrust Lawsuit
- Bona Law Client Seeks Supreme Court Review of Labor Union Overreach in Antitrust Case
- Bona Law Client Zulily Files Antitrust Complaint Against Amazon for Horizontal Price-Fixing and Monopoly Abuses
- Bona Law Defends Federal Antitrust and Competition Policy from Municipal Overreach
- Bona Law Defends Summary Judgment Win at Ninth Circuit in Antitrust Case About Internet Censorship by Pharmacy Groups
- Bona Law Enters Antitrust Lawsuit Against City of Richmond, Virginia for Monopolizing Non-Emergency Ambulance Market
- Bona Law Files Amicus Brief for NFIB Challenging Minnesota Unclaimed Property Act
- Bona Law Files Amicus Brief on behalf of Leading Law and Economics Scholars in Ninth Circuit supporting Qualcomm in FTC v. Qualcomm Inc.
- Bona Law Files Amicus Brief to US Supreme Court Supporting Request for Review in Fourth Amendment Civil Forfeiture Case
- Bona Law Files Antitrust and Lanham Act Lawsuit Against Johns Manville for its Monopolization and Disparagement in the Calsil Insulation Market
- Bona Law Files Antitrust Complaint on Behalf of Lucasys Seeking to Restore Competition in Utility Management Software Industry
- Bona Law Files Antitrust Lawsuit Against Cement and Ready Mix Companies in Atlanta Federal Court
- Bona Law files antitrust lawsuit against Huntington Beach, California for Monopolizing Ambulance Market
- Bona Law Files Antitrust Lawsuit Against Pharmaceutical Associations for Scheme to Wipe International Pharmacy Competition from the Internet
- Bona Law Files Breach of Contract Lawsuit Against USANA Health Services
- Bona Law Files Supreme Court Amicus Brief Showing Certificate of Need Laws Do More Harm than Good
- Bona Law Gains Another Former Senior Antitrust Enforcer
- Bona Law is pleased to announce that Sabri Siraj has joined the firm’s New York office as an associate antitrust attorney
- Bona Law Mourns the Passing of Esteemed Lawyer Molly Donovan
- Bona Law Newsletter
- Bona Law Partner Aaron Gott Nominated for Concurrences Antitrust Writing Awards 2025
- Bona Law PC files Amicus Curiae Brief with Minnesota Supreme Court in Property Rights Case
- Bona Law represents law and economics scholars in federal appellate court
- Bona Law Represents Tony-Winning Producer Against Union’s Group Boycott Antitrust Violation on Appeal in the Second Circuit
- Bona Law Retained by California Attorney General to Enforce Antitrust Laws
- Bona Law Scores Two Nominations for the Concurrences Antitrust Writing Awards
- Bona Law Secures Major Victory in Tenth Circuit Monopolization Appeal
- Bona Law Seeks Court Relief Against California Agency that Unlawfully Interfered with a Veteran-Owned Business’s Competitively Awarded Contract with VA Medical Center
- Bona Law Seeks Leave to File Amended Antitrust Complaint on Behalf of Lucasys Against PowerPlan
- Bona Law Submits Amici Curiae Brief on Behalf of 34 Members of Congress with a Special Interest in the Illumina-Grail Merger
- Bona Law submits comment to FTC on behalf of leading online contact-lens retailer
- Bona Law Tells Ninth Circuit State Action Immunity Doesn’t Apply to California Municipalities in Ambulance Antitrust Case
- Bona Law Tells Ninth Circuit That Bogus Product Reviews are not Exempt From Lanham Act False Advertising Laws
- Bona Law Urges Ninth Circuit to Reverse Antitrust Bid-Rigging Conviction
- Bona Law Urges Tenth Circuit to Keep Competition in Contact Lens Industry
- Bona Law Wins Dismissal of Defamation Suit in California Tribal Sovereign Immunity Case
- Bona Law Wins Dismissal of False Advertising Counterclaims in New York Antitrust Case
- Bona Law-Repped Law Profs Urge Second Circuit to Unplug Injunction Barring New Sports-Focused Live-Streaming Service Competitor in Disney/FuboTV Case
- Bona Law's Aaron Gott Selected as a Super Lawyers 2019 Rising Star
- Bona Law's Luis Blanquez featured on 'Our Curious Amalgam' Podcast
- Bona Law’s Aaron Gott Discusses Minnesota Property Rights Case on AM 1280
- Bona Law’s Dylan Carson Appointed Lead Monitor in The DOJ’s Poultry Processing Enforcement Action
- Bona Law’s Kristen Harris to Serve as Counsel to ABA Antitrust Section Chair
- Bona Law’s Luis Blanquez Appointed Vice Chair of ABA Antitrust Section’s Distribution and Franchising Committee
- Bona Law’s Luis Blanquez Nominated for Concurrences Antitrust Writing Award
- Bona Law’s Luis Blanquez Talks About State Action Immunity at ABA Antitrust Spring Meeting 2022
- Bona Law’s Luis Blanquez to Serve as Vice-Chair of ABA Antitrust Law Section’s Distribution and Franchise Committee.
- Bona Law’s Michigan Office Recognized as a Best Law Firm© Ranked Tier 1 for Antitrust
- Bona Law’s Steve Cernak Guests on Our Curious Amalgam Podcast
- Bona Law’s Steve Cernak is the New Chair of ABA Antitrust Law Section
- Bona Law’s Steven Cernak Recognized as Mondaq Antitrust Thought Leader
- Colorado Federal Court Confirms Bona Law’s Client, Thermal Pipe Shields, has Sufficiently Alleged Federal Antitrust and False Advertising Claims Against Johns Manville
- Drug Price Comparison Antitrust Lawsuit Brought by Bona Law Moves Forward
- Epic Games has returned to the Apple Store. Will Apple throw a Hail Mary?
- Federal Court Rejects Johns Manville’s Summary Judgment Motion on Market Definition Issues Against Bona Law Client, Thermal Pipe Shields
- Former General Motors Antitrust Counsel Joins Bona Law
- Four Bona Law Attorneys Recognized by Best Lawyers in America©
- Four Bona Law Attorneys’ Articles Nominated for 2022 Antitrust Writing Awards
- Getting Started: Antitrust Resources for Startups
- Jarod Bona Delivers Presentation Entitled “Detecting Antitrust Red Flags in Business Dealings: Avoiding Costly Pitfalls”
- Jarod Bona Joins International Referral to Offer Clients Global Coverage
- Jarod Bona Was Named a 2016 Rising Star by San Diego Super Lawyers
- Lucasys Secures $24M Settlement from PowerPlan, Ending Antitrust Lawsuit
- Ninth Circuit Holds that Allegations that NutriSearch Secretly Rigged its Ratings to Favor Usana are Sufficient to Satisfy Commercial Speech Element of Lanham Act Claim for False Advertising
- Ninth Circuit Sides with Bona Law and Reverses Summary Judgment on Appeal
- Pat Pascarella to Discuss Antitrust in the Biden Administration with Klobuchar’s Top Lawyer
- Ruth Glaeser, Antitrust Attorney, Joins Bona Law’s Minneapolis Office
- San Diego Super Lawyers Names Jarod Bona to its 2015 Rising Stars List
- South Florida Court Awards Bona Law Client LensDiscounters.com Attorneys' Fees Against Patent Troll
- Steve Cernak Elevated to Chair-Elect of ABA’s Antitrust Section
- Steven Cernak Elected Vice Chair of ABA Antitrust Law Section
- Super Lawyers Names Jarod Bona a Top Rated San Diego Antitrust Litigation Attorney
- Supreme Court issues decision in antitrust case against state professional-licensing board
- The San Diego Daily Transcript Named Jarod Bona a Top Attorney Finalist in San Diego for Corporate Litigation
- Veteran Antitrust and IP Lawyer and Economist Joins Bona Law as Of Counsel
Legal Resources
- A Trademark Infringement Plaintiff Need not Prove Willfullness to Obtain a Profit Remedy
- Affirmative Defenses to Trademark Infringement Claims
- Anti-SLAPP Motions in California
- Antitrust Agency Publishes New HSR Notification Thresholds and Filing Fees For 2023
- Antitrust and Bundled Discounts: How do I Apply the Discount-Attribution Test?
- Antitrust Guidelines for Companies Using Blockchain Technology
- Antitrust Law Applied to Market Allocation Agreements
- Antitrust Standards of Review: The Per Se, Rule of Reason, and Quick Look Tests
- Are Manufacturer-imposed price restrictions Illegal?
- Are Resale-Price-Maintenance Agreements Legal Under the Antitrust Laws?
- Calculating the Deadline for a Notice of Appeal in Federal Court
- California Court of Appeal Holds that Required Coastal Easement Dedication is an Unconstitutional Taking
- California Court Rejects Lawsuit Against Coinbase for Failure to Provide Bitcoin Gold After Bitcoin Hard Fork
- California Federal Jury Finds in Favor of Defendant Coca-Cola in Lanham Act False Advertising Case Brought by Pom Wonderful
- Defenses to a Section 17200 Unfair Competition Law Claim in California
- Defenses to California and Federal Trade Secret Claims
- Differences Between Facial and As-Applied Challenges to the Constitutionality of a Statute
- Do I Have a Lanham Act Claim Against My Competitor for False Advertising?
- Does the Group Boycott Violate the Antitrust Laws? Five Questions You Should Ask
- Elements of a Business Defamation Claim
- Federal Constitutional Standing Requirements Under Article III
- First Amendment Constitutional Limitations on Government Restrictions of Commercial Speech
- First Sale Doctrine in Trademark and Copyright Law
- How Can Businesses Use the Dormant Commerce Clause to Their Advantage?
- How Do California Courts Handle Force Majeure Clauses in Contracts?
- How Do I Seek Judicial Review of a California Administrative Agency or State Licensing Board Decision?
- How Does the Freedom of Information Act Work and What are its Limitations?
- How to Appeal a Case to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit
- How to Challenge or Quash a Third-Party Subpoena in California
- Is Exclusive Dealing Illegal Under the Antitrust Laws?
- Is My Out-Of-State Noncompete Agreement Enforceable In California?
- Potential Changes Coming to Requirements for Notices of Appeal in Federal Courts
- Recommendations for Structuring Movie and Television Appearance Releases That Hold Up Over Time
- Requirements for a Preliminary Injunction in Federal Court
- Requirements for Removing a Case From State Court to Federal Court
- Restrictive Covenants, Non-Compete Agreements, and California Law
- Should I File an Amicus Curiae Brief?
- Standard of Review for a Summary Judgment Motion in Federal Court
- The Basics of California State Appellate Procedure
- The California Court of Appeal Allows California Coastal Commission to Force Permitting Concessions for Seawalls on Encinitas Homeowners
- The Colgate Doctrine and Resale-Price Maintenance Agreements: What is the Difference Under the Antitrust Laws?
- The Elements of Antitrust Injury: A Two-Prong Test
- The First Amendment Speech Responsibilities of a Public University
- The State Action Doctrine for Federal Constitutional Claims
- The Term “Market Definition” in Entertainment and Media Law Doesn’t Repeat Itself, But it May Rhyme
- Trade Secret Disclosure Statements Under California Law
- Trade Secret Litigation In California
- Trade Secrets are now Protected by Federal Law
- Tribal Sovereign Immunity: A Defense Available to Individuals
- Unpacking Antitrust: Can My Business Opt Out of an Antitrust Purchaser Class Action?
- Unpacking Antitrust: Help! My Company is a Defendant in an Antitrust Class Action
- Unpacking Antitrust: How Do I Estimate Damages for a B2B Antitrust Violation?
- Unpacking Antitrust: What Are Vertical Restraints?
- Unpacking Antitrust: What Do Most-Favored-Nations Contract Clauses (MFNs) Have To Do with Antitrust?
- Unpacking Antitrust: What Is a Joint Venture?
- Unpacking Antitrust: What Is a Negative Tying Agreement Under the Federal Antitrust Laws?
- Unpacking Antitrust: When is a Monopsony, a Buyer’s Monopoly, an Antitrust Violation?
- US Supreme Court Holds Licensing Boards Not Completely Exempt from Antitrust Laws
- US Supreme Court in China Agritech v. Resh Declines to Extend American Pipe Tolling Rule for Class Actions
- US Supreme Court Issues Plaintiff-Friendly Pleading Decision in Johnson v. City of Shelby
- What are the Available Damages in a California Breach of Contract Case?
- What are the Elements for a Defense to Patent Misuse?
- What are the Elements for a Tortious Interference Claim Under California Law?
- What are the Elements of a Copyright Infringement Claim?
- What are the Elements of a Patent Infringement Claim?
- What Are the Elements of a Per Se Illegal Tying Claim Under the Antitrust Laws?
- What are the Elements of Collateral Estoppel (Issue Preclusion)?
- What are the Elements of Res Judicata (Claim Preclusion)?
- What are the Jurisdictional Requirements for the Class Action Fairness Act
- What are the Requirements for a Trademark Claim Under the Lanham Act?
- What are the Requirements for Class Certification Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23
- What are the Requirements of an HSR Antitrust Filing for a Merger or Acquisition?
- What Are the Requirements to Appeal an Interlocutory Summary Judgment Ruling in Federal Court?
- What are the Requirements to File a Concentration Under the European Merger Control Rules?
- What Are The Standing Requirements For An Administrative Procedure Act Claim?
- What are the Statutory and Non-Statutory Labor Exemptions to Antitrust Liability?
- What Arguments Can I Use to Challenge a Punitive Damages Award on Appeal?
- What is a Monopolization Claim Under the Federal Antitrust Laws?
- What is the Difference Between Eminent Domain and Inverse Condemnation?
- What is the Standard of Review on Appeal?
- When Does Federal Law Preempt State Law?
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- Getting Started: Antitrust Resources for Start-Ups
- Getting Started: Antitrust for Tech Start-Ups
- Getting Started: Antitrust for Hiring & Compensation at Start-Ups
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